Let Us Be Your
Guardian Angels For Travel
1137 N. Battlefield Blvd, Chesapeake, VA 23320
Terms And Conditions
The information contained within this web site is provided to our viewers as a service. By using this site, you agree to these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use this site.
Guardian Travel, Inc. receives information from a variety of sources for use within this travel web site. Guardian Travel, Inc. strives to ensure that the information contained in the site is both accurate and reliable. However, Guardian Travel, Inc. its employees, agents, linked entities, and sources are not infallible, and errors and/or omissions may occur. Therefore, Guardian Travel, Inc. disclaims any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever relating to this web site and /or any links thereto and there from.
Guardian Travel, Inc. does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this web site, including, without limitation, any information relating to any product or service, meals, accommodations, transportation, currencies and/or exchange rates, any and all schedules, any and all performances, events, including artists and/or performers scheduled to appear, any service or product and weather conditions.
Guardian Travel, Inc. reserves the right to change the information and contents of this web site without obligation to notify past, current, or prospective viewers of, and visitors to, this web site.
In no event shall Guardian Travel, Inc. be liable for any damages whatsoever from the use, or for the inability to use, the contents of this web site.
All data contained herein may not be reproduced, sold, transferred, or modified without the express written permission of Guardian Travel, Inc. and, where necessary, other providers.
Guardian Travel, Inc. does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose of any data contained herein or any of the products offered for sale.
Under no circumstances shall Guardian Travel, Inc.or its providers be liable for any injury, loss, damage or any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind without limitation which arises out of or is connected with the data or products or the performance or non-performance of Guardian Travel, Inc.
Guardian Travel, Inc.reserves the right to exclude and restrict user's access to product offerings.
When purchasing a vacation, you are subject to the Terms and Conditions of the appropriate supplier. We recommend reviewing the Terms and Conditions before purchasing your vacation. Guardian Travel, Inc.adheres to the terms and conditions of each supplier that is featured on the site.
At Guardian Travel Our Philosophy Is Simple
We want to create a vacation experience that's like no other. We want you to live your destination, not just visit. Talk to us, and we'll create a customized itinerary just for you! Your imagination plus our experience equals one perfect vacation!